Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, offering a durable and natural-looking solution for those with missing teeth. While the success rate of dental implants is reported as high as 97%, failures do occur. It is crucial to delve into the reasons behind these failures to better understand how to mitigate potential risks and ensure the longevity of dental implant treatments.
The process of osseointegration is essential for dental implant success. Osseointegration refers to the bonding of the implant with the surrounding bone tissue. According to a study published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website (, this process can fail to occur due to a multitude of factors including poor bone quality, improper surgical technique, or insufficient healing time. Ensuring there is adequate bone quality and quantity is crucial for the success of dental implant procedures.
Another critical aspect to consider is Peri-implantitis, an inflammatory condition affecting the soft and hard tissues around dental implants. The NCBI study emphasizes that peri-implantitis is a leading cause of implant failure, often triggered by reaction to bacteria. This is often the result of patients not being able to clean around their implant, which is often dependent on positioning of the implant at the time of placement. Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to preventing disease occurring around the implant. Peri-implantitis is not typically painful, so regular dental exams are important so that the disease can be identified and treated as early as possible.
Systemic factors like smoking, uncontrolled diabetes, and autoimmune disorders can also significantly impact the success of dental implants. These conditions can hinder the natural healing processes, affecting the integration of the implant with the bone. Medications also impact these processes so it is very important to perform a thorough medical exam prior to implant surgery in order to identify any potential risk factors.

Understanding the various factors that contribute to dental implant failures is essential to ensure the highest chance of success. By addressing issues related to osseointegration, peri-implantitis, and systemic diseases prior to and during implant surgery, once can prevent a lot of problems. As always, your best choice when considering dental implants is to consult with an experienced clinician. Dr. John McGehee has over 20 years of experience and knowledge in dental implant placement. Call today to schedule your consultation. (304)342-4481.